About Me

Hi there! I'm Jonathan, a fine art analog photographer located in southwestern Michigan. Ever since I was young I have had a desire to photograph the world around me, finding beauty in the everyday--houses in my hometown, railroad tracks, random cornfields, along with the more traditional subjects of flowers, sunsets, etc. While in college I encountered the work of Willam Eggleston, and I found in his instinctive compositions a glimpse into what my work could look like fully realized. Since then I have pursued my vision in the genre of fine art documentary photography, using Eggleston and other color photographers like Stephen Shore and Joel Sternfeld as guides and inspirations. I have been blessed to be surrounded by a community of like-minded creatives, and their contributions to my skills and philosophy are numerous; in particular, my mentor Marc Ullom and my best friend Jesus Arriaga have helped me become the photographer I am today! I believe that the foundation of the best art is dialogue--the "self" meeting the "other."

The foundation of my own artistic endeavors is the Ordered World. When I am out photographing, I feel a deep calm pervading the world around me, binding seemingly disparate facets into a whole, something I tap into in some small way in my photos. My photography is a process by which I attune myself to this spiritual calm existing just beyond what we can see, but that we can still perceive if we look closely for it. Looking closely with my camera, therefore, I attempt to cement this feeling in physical images, uplifting my spirit, and hopefully the spirits of those who view my work later on. With that in mind, then, thank you for visiting my website and looking at my photos, and I hope they convey to you the peace of the Ordered World!


Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan - BFA in Photography, May 2020.

Selected Exhibitions

Around The Bend Exhibition, South Bend Museum Of Art, 2022.

34th Annual Juried Regional Art Exhibit, Heartland Artist Gallery, 2022.

45th Elkhart Juried Regional, Midwest Museum of American Art, 2023.